The Stand

Network Netflix
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The Stand is a dark fantasy television series recently aired on CBS. Based on the Stephen King novel of the same name, The Stand focuses on a post-apocalyptic world of supernatural forces, predominantly those created by a global superflu, referred to colloquially as “Captain Trips”, which wipes out approximately 99% of the world's population. This post-pandemic world is divided between the forces of good and evil, and the characters must choose their own paths as the fate of society hangs in the balance. The cast includes actors like Alexander Skarsgard, Whoopi Goldberg, and Heather Graham, and includes a number of names familiar to King fans, including several formerly seen in movies such as “The Stand”, “The Shining”, and “The Shawshank Redemption”.
The Stand offers a compelling and immersive story, combining horror elements with science fiction and fantasy. The series is beautifully shot and plays out with excellent performances by its ensemble cast. It explores the concepts of faith and free will, highlighting the stark differences between good and evil as well as the often grey areas in between. Overall, The Stand is an exciting and heart-wrenching journey that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It’s a must-see series for fans of Stephen King and a thrilling journey for those new to the dark world of post-pandemic horror.
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