The Marked Heart

Network Netflix
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A thrilling journey of love, loss, and revenge in The Marked Heart. The Marked Heart is a gripping Colombian thriller drama that streams on Netflix. The series follows the life of Simón, whose wife Valeria is murdered and her heart is stolen in order to be transplanted into another person. Driven by revenge, Simón dives into the dangerous world of organ trafficking to find those responsible for Valeria’s death and make them pay. During his journey, Simón falls in love with Camila, the recipient of Valeria’s heart. Both are unaware of the true origin of the heart until they come face-to-face with the truth. This leads to even more life-threatening complications and a final battle between Simón and the syndicate. With its thrilling suspense and intense drama, The Marked Heart is a must-watch series for those who enjoy a good crime-thriller.
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