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Hunters is an Amazon Prime original series following a group of vigilantes in the late 1970s who have a mission to stop a secretive Nazi group trying to still dominate the world from the shadows. This series stars Al Pacino, Logan Lerman, Jerrika Hinton, Lena Olin, and Josh Radnor. The show is written by David Weil and directed by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon. Hunters is an action-packed series about Nazi hunters in the late 1970s, attempting to stop a Nazi Fourth Reich conspiracy from continuing to exist in the shadows. Every episode is intense, and the storylines are full of twists and turns. As the team discovers more and more about the Nazi plot, they come face to face with the evil forces that exist in the world. For any fans looking for violence and thrilling adventure, Hunters is definitely the TV show for them.
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