True Detective - A Dark and Gritty Psychological Thriller
True Detective is an American anthology crime drama television series created and written by Nic Pizzolatto. The series stars Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Monaghan, and Colin Farrell. Each season follows a new case, with a different cast of characters and a different story. The first season follows Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, two Louisiana State Police detectives investigating a series of ritualistic murders. The second season follows three California Highway Patrol officers investigating a series of corruption and murder cases in the fictional city of Vinci, California.
True Detective has been praised for its cinematography, atmosphere, and its performances, with McConaughey and Harrelson receiving particular acclaim. The series has also been criticized for its convoluted plot and confusing timelines. Regardless, the series has been a major success, receiving numerous awards and nominations, including Primetime Emmy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and Critics' Choice Television Awards. True Detective is widely regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time and has spawned numerous books, graphic novels, and other merchandise.
Cast: Season 1 Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Monaghan, Michael Potts, Tory Kittles, Season 2 Colin Farrell, Rachel McAdams, Taylor Kitsch, Kelly Reilly, Vince Vaughn, Season 3 Mahershala Ali, Carmen Ejogo, Stephen Dorff, Scoot McNairy, Ray Fisher.
Production: Anonymous Content, Parliament of Owls, Passenger, Neon Black, Lee Caplin / Picture Entertainment, HBO Entertainment.