Safe: Action Thriller Drama Series
Safe is an action thriller drama series that aired on Netflix from 2018 to 2019. The show follows Tom Delaney, a widowed surgeon who moves to a gated community in search of a fresh start. Tom soon discovers that the seemingly peaceful community hides a dark secret, as he is pulled into a world of lies, deceit, and danger. Safe stars Michael C. Hall, Amanda Abbington, Audrey Fleurot, and Marc Warren, and features a strong supporting cast.
Safe is known for its intense action sequences and gripping story, as well as its well-developed characters. The show was praised for its powerful performances, and for its depiction of the dangers of secrets and lies. The show was nominated for a BAFTA TV award for Best Drama Series, and remains a beloved show for fans.
Cast: Michael C. Hall, Amanda Abbington, Marc Warren, Audrey Fleurot, Hannah Arterton, Nigel Lindsay, Laila Rouass, Emmett J. Scanlan, Amy James-Kelly, Amy-Leigh Hickman, Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, Louis Greatorex.
Production: Red Production Company