The Corrupt World of House of Cards - An Unforgettable Journey Through US Government
House of Cards is an American political drama television series that follows the ruthless and ambitious Frank Underwood as he attempts to rise to the top of the political ladder. Through his cunning and manipulative tactics, Frank is able to maneuver his way to the highest levels of power, all the while uncovering secrets and unraveling mysteries. The series features a stellar cast, sharp writing, and stunning cinematography, and offers a unique look at the corrupt world of Washington politics. House of Cards has received critical acclaim for its performances, writing, and direction, and has won several awards, including four Primetime Emmy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards.
Cast: Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Kate Mara, , Corey Stoll, Michael Kelly.
Production: MRC, Trigger Street Productions, Wade/Thomas Productions, Knight Takes King Productions